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Sky-Watcher Esprit 100ED APO Triplet F5,5


The new design of the triplet apochromatic refractor was made by renown hungarian optician Pal Gyulai, and includes the Ohara FPL53 glass. The refractor is delivered in the massive transport box including the adaptation rings, finderscope, dedicated field flattener with factor of 1x, Losmandy standard mounting plate and rings - so it is ready to be used right out of the box. I did though decide to use the telescope with briliant quality Riccardi 0,75x flattener-reducer, so I had some more parts packed into the box. 


The body of the telescope is well built as well as the standard 3" focuser. There is a ring lock between the focuser and tube, allowing to rotate the whole focuser related to the frontal part with optics. Double speed focuser includes linear rail and very nice focus-lock lever at the bottom of the assembly.  


After few tests, my refractor delivers well what it promissed. The colour correction is outstanding and the mechanical parts keep the focus in place for many hours even with more sensitive focal ratio of 4.


Last but not least - every telescope, and especially fast telescopes, need very careful and precise collimation. This should be made in the factory, but experience of many says, that it is not a rule even with twice or three times as expensive astrograph telescopes. My Sky-Watcher arrived perfectly collimated, with detailed measuring protocoles and also test photos on bright stars, all this done by Tommy from . Thank you!


Find bellow few images of the telscope, and here the link to the 70% resolution photo taken with my G2-8300 camera.

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